Monday, April 16, 2007

Great Debate 2007

On Tuesday, April 24th, my friend Derrick and I will be competing in the Great Debate, an annual debate competition sponsored by the Clearwater Bar Association and held at the Pinellas County Court House in Clearwater. The panel usually consists of three lawyers, with the option of advancing into a final round, to be held on Monday, April 30th.

The resolution for this year is as follows:

RESOLVED: The Florida Department of Education's mandate that school administrators should actively search information posted by students on MySpace, Facebook, and other social networking sites on the Internet for use as evidence in students' disciplinary proceedings is an impermissible invasion of privacy.

I've already written both the affirmative and the negative case (teams are assigned sides once we arrive), though they will not be available here until after the 30th (that is, assuming we advance into the final round.) In the meantime, I am looking for some opinions on the issue from the readers.


JShehata said...

I will be trying to post my opinions as they pop into my head. So the resolutions is what you have to debate about right? A possible argument is the current possibility of I.D. theft. Anybody can claim to be Luke P. and say stuff about anyone. How do you know for sure he is Luke P.? Anything adminstrators have would need sufficient evidence that it is the actual person saying these things online.

To obtain this evidence, you would need to violate not only privacy, but you basically trespassing. But that depends on the evidence. Like a I.P. address, to obtain this you would really need to some personal invasion.

Another possible argument about online searching of student info is that students should not be obligated as to what they post on myspace or other social sites. People say things they do not mean when they get mad. It is no different when your chatting to someone on the telephone. So what gives adminsitrators the right to treat online student's comments more seriously then a student's telephone call? Ex. you might be mad at your teacher for assigning the most H.W. ever and you start saying mean things. Though it is possible to get mad enough to the point you use a express like: "I am going to get revenge on _______"
Most of the time students dont mean it.

I hope it helps
-please, it may be unclear. request clearification then.

Anonymous said...

Here's what i mean.

-im john
i just faked being lukas. But if i did not announce, it can be easily mistakable that i am him. So i can purposefully say a threat against the school, and they would think it is Lukas

Anonymous said...

How did that go by the way, since we haven't spoken since class, I assume you did well?

Anonymous said...

How did you guys do?